Potty Training Tips For Puppies

You have just adopted a new puppy and you are so excited. As you are looking forward to the new developments, you may have noticed that there are many tips on potty training for puppies that may confuse you and even discourage you from starting. This article will take a look at some of the more common tips that will help you overcome any challenges that you face.

Some of the most common pet owners tend to fall into a pattern of frustration when it comes to their pet’s potty training.

There is nothing worse than having to deal with a pet that doesn’t understand why they need to go potty and often gives up in frustration and disappointment. The key to any successful potty training is to be consistent and persistent so that your puppy can understand why they need to do it.

Set schedules to take your puppy outside to use the bathroom. While your puppy is young, they get distracted very easily. It takes only seconds for your puppy to find something they must defecate or urinate on.

If you see your puppy start to go potty, you will have time to take them outside. Pay close attention to your puppy’s behavior so that you can guess when they are about to go. Use this information to create a prompt for your puppy to go potty.

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Things that indicate the puppy is about to go potty can be found by watching their behavior. If your puppy starts to circle, or sniff around, you can be pretty sure that is when they are about to go potty.

The best way to house train a puppy is to have them sleeping in a crate at all times. When potty training, your puppy will not want to pee and poop all over their crate. The trick is getting them to understand that they go to the bathroom outside.

Puppy potty training should also begin with positive reinforcement and praise when your puppy does something right. It is important that you never punish your puppy for bad behavior as this can sometimes result in frustration with the puppy itself. Always reward your puppy when they do something right.

You need to realize that training takes time and will involve rewards. A puppy should be rewarded with praise every time they go potty and when they perform an action properly. This can be very motivating and your puppy will start to associate the positive behaviors with praise.

Another tip on dog training is to just start with one single method of training at one time. If you allow your puppy to learn just one method at a time, you will be able to keep track of the progress much more easily and when they are ready to learn a new way, they will be ready to try another one.

Puppy potty training will take patience and persistence. You will need to use the same methods and continue to reward the same behaviors in order for your puppy to understand and get used to what they need to do. The more consistent you are with your potty training, the better they will learn and the easier it will be for you both.

You should also consider the puppy’s behavior when it comes to their potty training. If they seem to have no interest in going potty, you may need to re-train the puppy instead of punishing or scolding them for not doing it.

One of the easiest ways to teach your puppy about where they should potty is to place the plastic bag next to where they urinate. This will help to train them that the area will be their potty spot.

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Training for puppies also includes teaching them to sit when they are done. This can be tricky at first because they will be more apt to jump on their feet instead of sitting.

By providing a routine, you will be able to help your puppy recognize the right place to go potty and will make it easier for them to be able to maintain good behavior.