How To Stop Puppy From Barking In Crate

How to stop puppy from barking in crate is a big responsibility and one that many dog owners overlook. You can’t expect your pup to behave properly inside a crate all the time, so you will need to find some other, more constructive methods of teaching him not to bark. The good news is that you don’t need to spend a lot of money to achieve this.

Before we touch on the training. it’s important to find out why your puppy is barking in his crate? Dogs bark for many reasons, including to alert us to intruders, when they’re bored, when they’re lonely, when they’re hungry, when they’re scared, or when they’re nervous. It’s possible, of course, that your puppy could be barking for no apparent reason at all, but chances are you’re not really sure why he’s barking.

So when your puppy is barking excessively, the solution is not to diminish his voice; the solution is to find out the reason for that barking and use training methods that will help him stop his undesirable behavior, which is barking.

If you are new to training your puppy using a crate then it’s a good idea to start off with a crate that has some basic guidelines that you can build upon. Try to purchase a crate that matches your pup’s size and personality.

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A medium-sized crate would suit a teacup pup and an enormous crate would suit a Great Dane. Also, choose one that has a secure lid because puppies tend to bark when they feel threatened or anxious. You will want your pup to learn to control his bladder during training and therefore should be confined to a crate for at least half an hour before he has to be let out.

A good place to start your training is by making his crate an enjoyable place to be. Start off by putting his favorite toys in his crate and making sure that he gets to play with them for at least 30 minutes every day. This will help him associate the crate with fun, so when he starts barking in it, you can be sure that it is because he wants to play with something.

Gradually introduce him to handling a dog treat while in the crate, but make sure he understands that he must get rid of his treat before leaving his crate.

Take note of when your puppy starts barking in his crate. Did you happen to notice him barking at an unusual time – such as while you are watching television or while you are cooking dinner? Also, consider getting a radio that emits a high-frequency sound, so that you can comfort and calm him when he starts barking. If you have a device with an Amber alert, you should try to set the device so that it goes off whenever he barks.

The next thing is to give him lots of praise when he successfully goes in and stays in his crate. Praise him by giving him the attention he needs, and reward him by playing with him and letting him know that he has done a good job. This will make him “like” his crate and reduce the likelihood for him to bark inside the crate.

Do not punish him when he is barking in the crate; as this will confuse him and make him think that there is something wrong with crate. Remember that dogs, like people, can only understand punishment as they are older. For young puppy, he would not be able to associate punishment with his action.

Establish yourself as the leader of the pack. This is essential as dog only listens and obeys his alpha dog. If you need to train your puppy, you would need to make him learns that you are the leader of the pack and he should follow your instructions and directions.

A puppy that barks all day needs one thing: attention. And what better way to provide quality attention than to engage him in games, exercise, or teaching tricks? All of these things are rewards that will salivate your puppy and help break up a “bad bark” routine.

Remember that your dog is acting out because he misses you, not because you are gone. Put the extra attention and take the time to train your puppy or give him the extra attention and training. Doing so may solve the barking problem in no time. But remember, this isn’t a solution for all. And while your puppy gets used to his new schedule, you must make the commitment to stick to it.

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Learning how to stop puppy from barking in the crate may seem difficult at first, but it is going to be achievable once you understand the concept. Of course, the best way to accomplish this requires that you understand why your puppy is barking and what he wants. Stopping dog barking requires that you use what are called tactics. It’s very important that you be very patient, very persistent, and very firm in your training.

Dogs of any age can be trained to stop barking. It’s a matter of getting the idea across to your dog that barking is no longer acceptable.