How To Stop Aggressive Puppy Behavior

Are you looking for ways on how to stop aggressive puppy behavior if your little one is giving your trouble? Puppies as young as one month can be aggressive to their owners. Most of these behaviors have a cause and what you need is to find out the causes.

Understanding the triggers that cause your puppy to react in certain ways is the key in determining how to best deal with his aggressive behavior. Tapping into triggers and work on it to help your puppy correcting his behavior.

This article will offer some insight as to what causes some of these inappropriate behaviors and how to solve them. Keep reading to uncover ways to end your puppy aggressiveness.

There are a number of triggers that can cause a puppy to become aggressive; including, but by no means limited to:

1. Genetics – Certain breeds can be more predisposed to aggression than others, making it likely that they will display aggressive behavior. Dogs that have not been neutered or spayed are more prone to dominance aggression.

2. Socialization – A dog that has been poorly socialized is much more likely to act aggressively toward other dogs and humans.

3. Breed predisposed – The development of aggressive behavior in a dog can be due to the particular breed that they are. Some breeds that have been known for their aggression include: Pit Bulls, Dobermans, Rottweilers, and German Shepherds.

4. Environmental – Poor living conditions, harsh punishments, isolation, or just general unpredictability can be responsible for a dog to become aggressive.

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You shouldn’t always assume that your puppy is just being protective if he is aggressive. He may be sick, hurt, fearful, upset or just plain scared. Acting aggressively will often be seen as the only alternative to his survival.

Some dogs respond to aggression through fear (crouching, tucking their tail, lowering their head, etc.). In these cases, you simply need to establish yourself as the alpha. This does not mean you have to be harsh, but be firm and persistent in your training efforts.

Whatever you do, stay calm. If you react like a “crazy” person, your puppy will think that his action (acting aggressively) seems like a good idea.

It is important for pet owners to have a clear understanding of their puppy’s behavioral patterns. If there are signs of a behavior problem that pet owners cannot seem to control, they should not hesitate to consult a veterinarian or dog behaviorist.

Young puppies are unable to control their behavior. They have not developed the skills yet to be able to communicate with their owners and exhibit any kind of socialization. This causes them to be very mischievous and nipped or snap at everything that moves.

If your puppy is rewarded for his bad behavior, naturally he will be more difficult to control as adult dog. Likewise, if the punishment is severe for a puppy who is trying to be playful, it may prolong that behavior.

Dog obedient training for your pup might be the option that you should consider to help you overcome this behavior problem. Puppies often learn their behavior patterns from their parents. They take their cue from the people around them. Train them to behave properly and you will soon see the positive behaviors.

When a puppy is rewarded for obedience or compliance, he is more likely to act that way again. That behavior can be reinforced. The time and effort required to correct the behavior will be well spent.

Aggressive behavior problems can also be caused by lack of exercise. If your pup doesn’t get enough exercise, he will become bored and frustrated. So, take your puppy for a stroll or walk in a dog park where you can play with him for an hour or two daily.

Food and water are also very important in helping to overcome some aggressive puppy behavior problems. You have to feed your pup with a healthy diet so that he can grow up to be a healthy and happy dog. Remember, a hungry dog is an angry dog.

You should know that these solutions do not work overnight. Even if your aggressive puppy stops his bad behavior, he will still need some time before completely been trained. Hence, you have to continue with obedient training even after your puppy had corrected his behavior.

Building a good relationship with your puppy does not mean that you should pamper him every now and then. You should be establishing some routines with him. This means that he has to be familiarized with the fact that there are “rules” that he should adhere to and behave himself.

When he does anything well, recognize his good behavior and praise him, he will like you more. He will see how pleased you are and this will make him an obedient puppy. The tip is not to ever threaten your puppy or apply any physical punishment on him. If . Do not make him feel fearful of you!

When you understand the triggers and occurrences which lead to your puppy aggressive behavior, it will be much easier to address the problem. Aggressive behavior can be controlled, but it requires patience, care and training.

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If you attempt to socialize your puppy and rely on punishment to curb his behavior, you will never achieve your goal. Dogs that display aggressive behavior need to be watched and controlled at all times. They are never aggressive without any cause. And it is always important to seek professional help if you suspect serious aggressive behavior.

It is never too late to teach your pet how to be obedient and stop his aggressiveness. The time and efforts that you had invested in the training will earn you a well behavior, lovely puppy that everyone in your family will love for!