How To Correct Aggressive Puppy Behavior

Learning how to correct aggressive puppy behavior can be a big responsibility and a big learning curve. You need to know exactly what you are doing, why and when should you be correcting your aggressive puppy. If you do not completely understand what are the signs to lookout for, then you will not be able to properly train him. This is something that all professional dog trainer have a grasp of.

When you see signs of aggression, it is important to quickly remove your aggressive pup from the situation and take him to an isolated or quiet area. Try to distract his attention from the source of aggressivness.

It is common for puppies to act out when they are hungry, tired or feeling threaten. These are natural puppy behaviors that you might not have think about consciously. However, they are there and need to be dealt with.

It is important to keep in mind that you should not shout at your puppy or punish him for any incorrectly behavior. He simply just waiting for you to train him to be obedient. All puppies tend to act out unless being properly trained.

That being said, it is important to correct aggressive puppy behavior when it happens. If you delay the correction, your puppy will make this behavior his habit in the future.

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You must also have a clear understanding of your puppy’s psychology. Your puppy has his own little world (the puppy universe) and whatever you do in his world is going to affects his mood and feeling.

Puppies need to be nurtured in a positive way and the last thing you want to do is to use harsh punishment when trying to teach them the rules. Your puppy may be thinking, “I’m just playing and this won’t hurt anyone”.

When faced with aggressive puppy behavior, it is important to remain calm. Yelling or scolding him will only make the matters worse. Puppies can hear our voices, even when we are silent, and will take notice. Scolding your puppy when he has done something wrong will only result in him learning more ways to get ahead of you and getting even more aggressive.

Instead, try to use a firm “NO” and a soft “OK”, followed by a pat. Once your puppy is aware that you mean business, he will stop the behavior or action that he is doping..

Understand the causes for your puppy’s aggressiveness will be your very first step in the training. If you find that your puppy barks when he is upset or afraid, then you need to make him feel safe. Give him a toy to play with that he likes, or even take him to the vet for some advice.

A puppy might be scared of something that he does not understand, and trying to figure out what is causing it will help. Do not punish your puppy in a way that will cause him fear or aggression towards others, including you. If you ever reprimand your puppy for his behavior, never hit him as this will only make the matters worse, and your puppy will snap back and even bite more.

You should also try to confine your puppy activities in the house and possibly out of the backyard. He needs to know there is only going to be a time with you, and that you are the leader. This is often one of the most difficult things for a new puppy to learn, and is often one of the most effective techniques for correcting aggressive puppy behavior.

Play with your puppy and let him know that you are in control. This is a great way to build your pup’s self-esteem and will help him when he is older or faced with a difficult situation. When he realizes that you are the leader of the pack and that he cannot bully you into submission, he will be much calmer and less aggressive.

So start planning for some “fun” time with your pup, plays with him and builds his confidence. Once you have done this a few times, you will see a dramatic difference in how your puppy behaves and how he interacts with others.

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By identifying what is causing your aggressive puppy to act in this way, it will be much easier to address the issue. You do not want to take a young puppy into your home and expose him to aggressive or strange situations.

Your goal is to teach your puppy the proper way to act, so that he understands what is expected from him and to react appropriately. By learning how to correct your aggressive puppy behavior, you will soon have a well trained and obedient dog that is happy to be part of your family member.